Plasma 3000 ICP-OES
Plasma3000 has capable of quick quantitative analysis for all metal elements and some nonmetal elements. It is widely used for element analysis in such fields as metallurgy, geology, material, environment, food, medicine, petroleum, chemical industry, biology and water quality.
Plasma3000 has capacity of quick quantitative analysis for all metal elements and some nonmetal elements. It
is widely used for element analysis in such fields as metallurgy, geology, material, environment, food, medicine,
petroleum, chemical industry, biology and water quality.
It has a wider dynamic linear range and lower background with a vertical torch dual view and a cooled corn
developed to remove the cooler plasma tail.
The self-excited solid radio frequency generator is effcient, stable, small in volume and fast in turning, capable of
ensuring high-precision and long-term stability.
The echelle polychromator delivers all the emission lines within the whole spectral range on the large-area CCD
detector simultaneously in a single exposure.
A powerful software system simplifes the development process for the analysis method. The tailored operation
software is developed according to application needs in various analysis.